Sunday, January 17, 2010

Travelings never over...

So it took me a few days to settle back into life in Ireland.

My very lovely father helped out a very jetlagged and tired Jess in Dublin airport at 10.30am upon my return.
I'm always amazed by the things that you notice about your country after being away for a while, that are so insignificant when you live there. When I got back from living in the Netherlands, I was in awe of the rolling hilly scenery that I'd always taken for granted. In the Netherlands there isn't even the slightest mound, let alone a hill or mountain. Its below sea-level scenery bored me to tears, so Ireland was so beautiful to my eyes that I almost cried with sentiment.

This time however it was the darkness that struck me. Where the hell was the sun???!!! Coming from summer to winter is one thing, but being so far from the equator means that in the winter, we get a whooping 7 hours of day light during the winter, if we're lucky. And even at that, Mr. Sun, barely makes an effort, and meerly creeps up to a pathetic height before returning. There was no overhead sun like I'd had in the Equator. More like hip level. I'd been telling the time via the sun in South America for lack of any other device so I was really thrown off when I noticed it got dark at 4pm.

Regardless to say the weather was also an issue. Despite it being freezing, I did consider it a blessing to be greeted with snow instead of the usual rain. At least you can throw snow.

It finally felt like Christmas, and after a solid day of sleep, I was ready for the usual Christmas Eve antics, which involved drinking in my favourite Castlebar pub, The Irish House, and the usual reunion of friends that haven't been together in the same room since the previous xmas eve. Christmas in Ireland, generally involves heavy drinking, every day, until everyone returns to work. So thats what I did, plus show off that I was for once, browner than everyone else. I may not be tanned in South America but when I got back to Ireland I looked Colombian compared to everyone else. I also became that annoying person that entered 'In South America...' every five minutes into a conversation until it was pointed out to me...

After the Crazy Christmas antics I had my Tour of Ireland to look forward to with Aussie Merri who'd be coming over the 7th of January... Let the adventures continue!

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