Friday, October 30, 2009

Diarrhea stories...

If your in anyway squimish or prudish, stop reading now...

So since my arrival to Loki, La Paz, the topic of Diarrhea has spread almost as fast as the affliction itself. On my vomiting day, in which I remained largely in bed, me and Emmett (irish guy in my dorm) chatted with the neighbouring dorm in which 3 people were suffering from the dreaded D. One poor Aussie girl told us how the previous day she´d had an accident in her pants downtown.

This brought about me thinking the top 3 Diarrhea stories I´ve heard so far. Most happened to ´friends of friends´and in India, but for your enjoyment here you are...

1. Heard from Bethany...

3 girls travelling on a bus, think it was in Asia, and suddenly one HAS to go. Completely desperate, when the bus stops, she tells her friends she´ll meet them at the hotel later and runs off. Its a gas station, with unbelieveably, no bathroom. She sees a high wall surrounding it, and decides to hop it. Unfortunately, the other side of the wall is a steep drop and she starts rolling down this cliff. She manages to stop herself by grabbing a tree. Despite the fall, she still has only one thing on her mind, so, clinging to the tree, she drops her pants and goes. After, she realises her prediciment... she can either continue falling, or try to climb back up. So, she claws her way back up, to realise upon reaching the wall, theres a collection of asian onlookers who´ve witness the whole ordeal...

2. Heard from Evil Jess...

Guy on a bus in India. Its so packed that theres not space to stand in the isle, so he´s lying in the overhead luggage compartment. Suddenly,he too, HAS to go. He looks around, surveying his options. He´s deciding between going in his backpack or going in his pants, when my some twist of fate, the bus stops. He runs off, runs down the road, and runs into the first restaurant he sees. He frantically asks for the bathroom, the owners point him in the direction. he gets in there, its pretty much a hole in the ground, drops his pants and starts going... He looks down and realises, in this hole, theres pigs, which are frantically eating what comes out of him... Literally, a pig in shit.

3. Heard from dull English guy...

Guy, again, on a bus in India. He HAS to go. Goes up to the driver several times, but he refuses to stop. Eventually, he resorts to screaming at the driver to stop, knowing that if he doesn´t he´ll be going in his pants. So the driver stops, and he runs through bushes, stops, and starts going. When he ´comes to´he realises where he is... In a wealthy Indian housing estate, and he´s going in a guys front garden. The guy is standing in the garden, hosing his plants. English guy starts frantically trying to wash away his mess with a bottle of water, looks up, and sees his bus drive past, everyone in it laughing at taking his photo.

Well, hope they brighten up your day, see it could be worse!!

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