Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mendoza, wine, bikes and sunburn!!

So I arrived in Mendoza, Argentina Wednesday morning, after a 14 hour bus ride, Carma, where they played The Hangover, for the 5th time since leaving Ireland, only this time, I had a real hangover after a fun night in B.A. at La Bomba. I promised myself two alcohol free nights, despite being in the city on wine.

I´ve been really lucky, last sunday it was snowing here, but I arrived it was the start of several days of serious heat and sunshine. The hostels beautiful and peaceful, with a pool and hammocks. The only issue I had was ever day the people in my dorm changed, kind of annoying, the 'so where you traveling, where you been' conversations get a tad repedative every day!!

Day two I went Paragliding in the morning from the surrounding Mendoza Mountainings. It was amazing, I was lucky as I was the only one doing it that morning, so had my own privite fourwheel drive up the mountain with the chilled out instructor and driver. It was amazing, we had a beautiful clear day for running of the edge of a cliff. But its really not an adrenaline buzz, its more of a peaceful experience, you really are flying. Next I may skydive in Colombia if money and time allow!

In the afternoon it was time for bike rides and wineries! The wineries are in two regions, one of which tourists tend to do by bike as they are all close together and if the weathers nice, its a great way to travel through the vineard roads. I went with 3 girls from the hostel. Malbec is the wine produced here, and its what I´ve been drinking every 2nd day since landing in Argentina! If you could taste it, you´d understand why. Plus, its amazingly cheap, even for a good bottle. After the tour, I finally feel like I know a little something about wine, other than what colour it is! We rented our bikes of the famous Mr. Hugo, who upon our return greated us with hugs and we joined the other bikers for the endless supply of free wine he supplies! The back to the hostel for the best 8euro Asado (BBQ) of my life. Another endless supply of Steak and wine.

I have since visited the parks in Mendoza, which are lovely, although I´m at a loss at how so many people jog in the intense sun! These people are a healthy mystery to me still. I was told, it wasn´t even that hot. My poor Irish skin doesn´t know whats going on. Today I did some more wineries and managed to go a new shade of red, despite suncream. hmm... At least its not snow right?¿!

Oh, and sorry for the lack of photos, I think my bag may have been robbed on my bus trip, although its hard to tell as just my camera usb cables and charger is missing. But there is also a new hole into my secret locking compartment, and apparently, stranger things have been robbed. meh, at least they left my malaria tablets...right....

Next I´m crossing into Chile, to Valpariaso, which sounds like a city I may fall in love with!

Cao Chicos!

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