Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finally, Colombia!!!

It took two flights for me to reach Cartagena, first I flew to Bogota and changed planes there. Colombian airports certainly are strick and thorough, haven´t seen so many sniffer dogs in one place, and the questioning you get going through immigrations was intense. It all took so much time that I had to run for my next plane.

However, I finally made it to Cartagena, and what hit my first was the intense heat when I got off the plane, its 40 plus all year round along this coast, what with it being on the equator. It was pretty strange walking through an airport decked out with snowflake and snowmen decorations when the climate says otherwise.

Colombias been the originally unplanned goal since arriving to South America, everyone along the way said it was there favourite country so I figured I´d have to squeeze it in.

It certainly is different to other south american countries, theres a big Carribean influence, the music becomes more reggae, the people happier and friendlier, its louder, water comes in a bag, and theres plenty of rum going around.

I spent my first night in the big city of Cartagena, but tragically spent it in the worst hostel I´ve been in yet, North Star, which was overpriced, ants in my bed and my matress was as thin as cardboard. However, it was only a stop of before I headed to the next Carribean city of Santa Marta, four hours away, and closer to the beautiful carribean beaches I was now craving.

Although not much goes on in Santa Marta, it had the bustling street business that I love in South America, street venders, markets, dogs everywhere you look, people on motorbikes narrowly missing pedestrians. I stayed in the Brisa Loca hostel, which made Santa Marta more interesting. I was due to meet up with Bethany again, the american girl I travelled with from Mendoza, Argentina to La Paz in Bolovia. She´d gone to Tyrona park but would return in a few days.
In my beautiful Air-conned room I met Sass, and English/French girl who´d lived in BA and planned on moving there permanently. Me and Sass made friends with the majority of the bar staff in the hostel which lead to some unplanned drunken but fun nights. I also met some interesting characters, including a Resturant owner who hated Argentinian women after his Argentinan ex wife turned out to be gay and divorced him taking much of his wealth. There are plenty of travellers who are trying to work things out along the way...

The day before Me and Sass were due to head to Taganga Bethany returned, which lead to much screaming and then catching up. It was nice to have a reunion toward the end of our trips.

Next came the crazy and amazing town of Taganga, where I´d spend my remaining time in Colombia...

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