Friday, September 18, 2009

Fuck Jetlag

So what ever about Ryanair flights being small, air france planes ain't much better! Then again, you can't really complain when theres an endless supply of hagen daas icecream at the back of the plane :)

So 13 and a half hours after leaving Paris airport I arrived to Beunos Aires at 7.30am local time. Having had a few 'oh my god what am I doing moments' on the plane I arrived into the airport watching my bags with my periferal vision on high alert. My paranoia was uncalled for though, it was completely safe.

Hostel is beautiful, sharing a room with three americans, an english girl and a Brazilan. I was determined not to go to sleep, fuck jetlag, I'd wait it off till the night. Had a delightful breakfast conversation with a french guy at the end of his four month trip in South America who didn't know how he would re-enter normal society.

Oh for anyone jealous of the amazing sunshine I'm having... don't be, there isn't any. Its 10 degrees today and has pissed rain since I arrived. I bought an umbrella and a scarf on my first day! When it rains it pours here, but I've been promised the sun is coming. Its only Spring.

The cities gorgeous despite the rain, its unbelieveably big. I am however considering taking spanish lessons, I feel like I'm in Lost in Translation, and theres only so far spanglish and sign language can get you...

My first night I went for Dinner with the Emma, the english girl and two ozzies. My first traditional South American meal... Sushi?! Theres plenty of time for Steak I'm sure :)
We came back to the hostel and drank with everyone here. I decided to be sensible after three drinks and not go to the nightclub and finally get some sleep.

But fuck jet lag, fuck my weak body, ended up vomiting all morning regardless! haha, don't worry, I brought it on myself, feel fine now.

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