Sunday, September 20, 2009

Salsa and Sunshine

So it took me two days to recover from traveling, but yesterday, I was on fire and the sun finally showed its face! Now we"re talking...

Visiting the Recoleta Cemetry which I can only describe as a small village of dead people. Its a neverending labyrinth of Musaleoms, some the size of small houses. It was incredibly facsinating, obviously only the very wealthy rest there, so there are some impressive stories behind the graves.

So had my first hardcore night out in Beunos Aires, one of the party capitals of the world. God these guys know how to party. They eat late, ten or eleven, and theres no point in going to a nightclub till at least two if not later, and they go allll night, right through till eight the next day. Went out with an Aussie girl, Sophie, and we ended up being the only tourists in this nightclub. Two blonde girls among a bunch of Argentinians, all I can say if theres any girls going through a crisis of confidence, come here for a night!

And for all those people that imagine the guys here to be sleazy, I want to defend the Argentinian rep. Don"t get me wrong, they try really hard to talk to you, but they do not sleaze. Chat up line for the night from a guy who wanted to teach me salsa "but the hips don"t lie!"... oh Sacira...

And they actually Salsa, and do it sooo well. Its a huge part of there culture here, instead of the drunken asking "do you come here often?", They ask to dance. I think you"d have to see it in action, but I was blown away watching people dance. I probably looked like the weirdo irish girl perving at the sides, but hey!

So we get back to the hostel at 7, and stay up chatting to the guys working here who wanted to know where we were. They ended up teaching us Salsa, and I busted my toe, which may be broken... I think I let the side down guys! My Salsa skills suck. Oh and the hostel guys opened my eyes to a whole new world, Floggers. Oh, my, god. You may have heard of goths, emos, etc, well, in other place in the world, theres floggers. They have a tight jeans, big shoes, floral tshirts and perfect pokemon hair, and they do this weird dance thing, to techno. Apparently they just do it everywhere, streets, clubs etc. Oh and they love themselves and have blogs on which they take photos of themselves and upload. Brilliant. Oh and then theres Roligetas or something like that. They base there look on Mike Jagger, groups of youths that dress like him, and dance like him. Its brilliant.

The night ended with breakfast, bed, and maybe a broken toe! I love this place!

1 comment:

  1. deadly
    good job
    bring me home a steak
    i miss you
    hope its incredible
